Who We Are

From customer-facing functions to back-end operations, a great company recognizes all roles matter. While we expect to excel in our core operations, behind the scene activities can be even more critical and should be given equal importance.

With this demand for resources to keep the organization running, many companies however, are being limited by cost and effort requirements before benefiting from expertise on in-house talents.

It is with this understanding that Vasquez BPO was established, to provide quality outsourcing services necessary in carrying out end-to-end business operations while reducing overhead costs with our digital-centric platforms and a pool of experts in the industry.


To be the globally preferred partner in providing top-notch services adaptive to the dynamic business landscape.


To take clients to greater heights through comprehensive, cost-efficient, digitized, and transformative business process solutions.

Why Us? Why Not—

when significant amount and superior quality of output is achieved at less cost

30% to 50% cost savings

when our help can boost your company's productivity by reaching completion date earlier than usual

20% to 30% increase in productivity

when all your skill set requirements are met in our pool of competent and qualified professionals

We bring our solid background from the “Big 4” firms, expertise on diverse industries, strong work ethics, and experiences on different professional services.

when delegating tasks can help you focus more on your core operations without compromising back-end functions

You will be able to prioritize your main operations while we take charge of the rest.

when our setup enables you to have more flexibility in terms of staffing and task demand

You will be having more freedom in customizing contracts according to what you need rather than hiring full-time position for a short-term engagement.

when we maintain constant communication ensuring progress is tracked

We send daily updates and provide swift and relevant response.

What Can We Do?